

Yebirson loves coffee and soccer. When you speak with him, you quickly understand how his athlete mentality fuels his drive to produce high-quality coffee. “Coffee is in my blood, and because of it, I can provide for my family,” Yebirson says. When he speaks about what he does best, he remembers his father and grandparents, who were also coffee farmers.

Yebirson roasts, cups, and brews his coffee, which is in line with a new trend in youth coffee farmers who are quickly learning about specialty coffee. “At first, many of my friends discouraged me from producing specialty coffee, but now I feel like I scored a last-minute goal!” says Yebirson. He surprised himself and us as well with his quality. Now, he works with other youth to teach them about coffee, helping them improve their quality, so they don’t leave their farms.

This is the third year Cosecha Traders imports Yebirson’s micro-lot into the USA. We are honored to offer this dedicated producer’s coffee to our partner roasters!

  • Department: Huila

  • Altitude: 1650 MASL

  • Varietal: Colombia and Castillo

  • Process: Washed double fermentation

  • Shade Trees: Plantain, ocabo, gualanday, cachimbos, igua, and guava



