Fernando Martinez is a fourth-generation coffee farmer. He has produced specialty coffee for 15 years and has processed natural and honey processed coffees using innovative fermentation methods for 7 years. From a very young age, he realized his calling as a coffee farmer, and chose to alternate his schooling with work on the farm. By doing this, Fernando completed studies as a lawyer and as an agribusiness technician simultaneously.
As a coffee farmer, he has raised his son who, despite being 12 years old, knows how to appreciate a good cup of coffee. Fernando tells us that he and his son often drink his Gesha coffee, only sold in Japan, for breakfast. One day, he brewed a blend of varietals from his farm and offered it to his son whose reaction was “What did you do to the coffee, Dad?”
For Fernando, coffee is his passion and his life. He believes that in order to progress, he must know his craft well, respect it, and feel proud of what he does. "As years go by, your life changes around a cup of specialty coffee. It teaches you new things and expands your cultural awareness," he says. He dreams of creating an association of coffee growers and setting up a micro-processing center in his community.
Cosecha Traders is proud to offer Fernando’s stellar coffee, processed with skill and expertise, to specialty roasters in the USA for the first time.
Department: Cauca
Altitude: 1,836 MASL
Variety: Castillo Tambo
Process: Yellow Honey
Shade Trees: Guamo, yarumo, cedar, eucalyptus, orange, avocado, and bamboo