Jhon Jairo
Jhon Jairo has been a coffee farmer during his whole life. Since Jhon Jairo was a child, he helped his parents on the farm by helping process coffee and has embraced the lifestyle ever since. He also traveled through different coffee-producing regions, which inspired him to continue on his path as a coffee farmer, eventually becoming a specialty coffee farmer.
Jhon Jairo studied and took several courses to learn about coffee, and in 2008, thanks to a training program, he decided to experiment with specialty coffee processing. Jhon Jairo continued to improve as he received positive results, which gave him the confidence to continue working toward his goals.
In addition to supporting his family, coffee brings his family together. He has transmitted his passion to his children, giving each of them a small plot of land so they can begin processing coffee. In addition to being a father, he has become a mentor, teaching them how to handle organic coffee.
Currently, Jhon Jairo is the legal representative of a community farmer's association and plans to launch his brand of coffee with his family. For him, the most valuable trait a coffee farmer must have is to be persistent. "With resilience, dedication, and effort, anything is possible," says Jhon Jairo.
Department: Cauca
Altitude: 1850
Varietals: Castillo and Supremo
Process: Washed
Shade Trees: Guamo, lemon, lime, tangerine, and guava.