Wind Mountain
Smallholders Lot
Afro-Colombians settled among indigenous peoples in a remote part of Cajibio, Cauca in the middle of the 20th century. They were hired by multinational companies to establish pine tree farms and to work in sugar cane plantations. For years, the settlers trekked over the mountains and across the La Pedregosa River to buy foodstuffs, fertilizers, tools, and livestock.
As a result, the settlers established a general store, saving them the hours-long trips through the mountains. The store gradually became a meeting place for the community, leading to the founding of La Pedregosa Farmers Cooperative (ASOCAMP), a producers' organization that today exports specialty coffee all over the world.
However, its success today has not come without overcoming great adversity. In 2007, ASOCAMP re-launched the association focusing on accessing specialty coffee markets, after several of its founding members died as illegal groups vied for control of drug routes.
Cosecha Traders proudly supports ASOCAMP, a farmers association that stands by its community, despite facing adversity. This unique coffee comprises 5 Afro-Colombian farmers who are committed to telling their communities' stories through coffee.
Producer Association: La Pedregosa Farmers Cooperative (ASOCAMP)
Department: Cauca
Shade Trees: Guamo and plantain trees
Altitude: 1,500 - 1,600 MASL
Varietal: Supremo
Fermentation Time: 12 - 14 hours
Drying: 8 days